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  1. Role: Communication
  2. Example: John's story
  3. Strategy 1: Schedule regular meetings
  4. Strategy 2: Communicating in ways that work for them
  5. Strategy 3: Role modeling how to be a good communicator
  6. Strategy 4: Advocating for the peer
  7. Summary ← You are here
  8. References
  9. Back to Roles and Strategies

In this section you learned about strategies you can use to help your peer communicate with you, the research team, and other people involved in the research.

The strategies you learned about are:

  1. Setting up a regular meeting time and place
  2. Communicating in ways that meet the peer's needs and preferences/choices
  3. Role modeling how to be a good communicator
  4. Advocating to include peers and coworkers during research team meetings

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Go to the next page to see the references used in developing this section.

If you want to skip the references, go to Roles and Strategies to learn about another strategy.

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