Role: Sharing your experiences

Two people sitting at a table talking

Show pages in this section

  1. Role: Sharing your experiences ← You are here
  2. Example: Amy's story
  3. Strategy 1: Your stories about research
  4. Strategy 2: Experiences you have in common
  5. Summary
  6. References
  7. Back to Roles and Strategies

As a peer supporter, sharing stories and information about yourself can help your peer get to know you.

Some of the strategies you may use are:

  1. Sharing your stories about research
  2. Noticing and talking about experiences you have in common

You will learn more about these strategies in this section.

Go to the next page to read a story about a peer supporter who used these strategies.

If you want to skip ahead, see Show pages in this section at the top of the page.

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