Role: Create a welcoming environment

Team members giving each other a fist bump

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  1. Role: Create a welcoming environment ← You are here
  2. Example: Amir's story
  3. Strategy 1: Give assurance to the peer researcher
  4. Strategy 2: Validate their feelings and experiences
  5. Strategy 3: Notice and celebrate success
  6. Summary
  7. References
  8. Back to Roles and Strategies

Many people feel nervous when they do something for the first time. You can help the peer researcher by doing things so that they feel they are part of a positive and supportive research team.

Some of the strategies you may use are:

  1. Give assurance to the peer researcher
  2. Validate their feelings and experiences
  3. Notice and celebrate success

You will learn more about these strategies in this section.

Go to the next page to read a story about a peer supporter who used these strategies.

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