Strategy 4: Advocating for the peer

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  1. Role: Communication
  2. Example: John's story
  3. Strategy 1: Schedule regular meetings
  4. Strategy 2: Communicating in ways that work for them
  5. Strategy 3: Role modeling how to be a good communicator
  6. Strategy 4: Advocating for the peer ← You are here
  7. Summary
  8. References
  9. Back to Roles and Strategies

It is important for the peer researcher to have "a voice" on the research team.

You can help peer researchers by making sure they have time to share their thoughts and ideas during meetings.

You can also ask them what their thoughts and ideas are during the meeting. For example, ask them "What do you think?" or "Do you have anything to add?"

Try it yourself. Use this worksheet to list the things that you can say to include peers in conversations with research teams.

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