Priorities for Transition Services and Research

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Transition Services are support services that help a person with an intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) to get from one phase of their life to another.

Peer support can help young adults during transition services. Peer supporters can help young people at work, school, home, or out in the community. Peer support can also help young adults with IDD participate on research teams about ways to make transition better.

The inclusive research team spoke with young adults with IDD, peer supporters, families and caregivers, transition service providers, and transition researchers to learn about their concerns about the transition from high school to adult life and how peer support could help. Their main concerns are listed below.

  1. Self-advocacy, self-determination and person-centered planning
  2. Post-secondary training and experiences like college or work
  3. Independent living skills
  4. Figure out if current models of peer support are working for the people giving and receiving support

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Go to the next page to learn more about Self Advocacy and Self Determination and Person Centered Planning.

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