Scoping Review

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The research team worked with a research librarian to find published research articles that focused on young adults with IDD, transition, and peer support. The search resulted in 1,457 articles.

Then the team used an online software called Covidence to find the articles that were a good fit for the project. We kept articles when:

  1. Most people in the research study were 14-25 years old
  2. The article described peer support by someone with an IDD
  3. The article focused on transition
  4. The research collected and analyzed new information
  5. The article was reviewed by experts
  6. The article was published between 2005-2022

In the end, 14 articles had useful information about peer support for transition by someone with IDD. The team read these closely to learn about common ideas, strategies, and results of peer support for transition.

Go to the next page to learn more about key informant interviews.

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