How can a peer supporter help?

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  1. What is peer support?
  2. Who are peer supporters?
  3. Formal and informal peer support
  4. Peer support relationships
  5. How can a peer supporter help? ← You are here
  6. Alix's story
  7. Marianne's story
  8. References
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When you are a peer supporter, you can help other people solve a problem or help them feel better by encouraging them.

Sometimes a person with a disability has more experience than another person with a disability. A person with a disability might have experience doing research, but another person with a disability is new to research. You can help other people learn how to do research just by sharing your own experiences doing research.

You do not have to be an expert researcher. You can help other people learn about research when you share your experiences. You can also help other people do research by supporting and encouraging them. The important part is to have a good relationship.

It is easy to learn from someone who is similar to you. If someone else can do it, you can too. If someone else sees you doing research, then they will believe that they can do it too!

Go to the next page to watch a video of a peer supporter talking about her job.

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