Toolkit for Remote Inclusive Research

All Strategies

Audio Recorder

Gathering data using photographs or video recordings can be more accessible than collecting data using handwritten notes for team members with disabilities. Continue reading...

Dissemination Interview

Team members present research findings in the form of an interview or a question and answer session (Q&A). Members of the research team ask each other questions about the study and the findings and respond. Continue reading...


Email can help remote teams communicate. Emails can be used for coordinating work and meetings. Emails can also be used to share information with team members before or after meetings. Continue reading...

Five Finger Method

Each member of the team then holds up 1 to 5 fingers to show how they feel about the idea or decision. The number of fingers shown has a different meaning Continue reading...

Flip Charts/Posters

Large flip chart paper/posters are used to organize ideas shared by individuals or by the team. Usually, there is one poster or piece of flip chart paper for each topic/idea. Continue reading...

Online Discussion Boards

Online discussion boards, wikis, or internet forums are web-based platforms where multiple team members can post text for others to read. Teams can create private or invitation only online boards that are restricted to members of the research team. Continue reading...

Online Survey

Online surveys allow team members to privately contribute their perspectives, without concern of others’ opinions or social pressure. Continue reading...

Physical Sorting of Ideas

Team members can identify patterns of similarities and differences in ideas by physically moving them into categories. Continue reading...

Plain Language Academic Article

Research team members work together to develop a plain-language article and submit the article to an academic journal/publication. This article may or may not follow the typical structure of an academic research article. Continue reading...

Research Timeline

The steps of the research process are depicted visually, with specific goals and milestones for each task. Each task or goal can be written on a piece of paper, poster, or sticky note, then hung in order on a wall or laid in order on a large table or on the ground. Continue reading...

Role Play/Acting

Role play is when a team member acts out or performs the part of a person or character. Continue reading...


Researchers take photos of their research experience and compile these photos in a "scrapbook." The scrapbook can be used to share the research process and/or findings with others. Continue reading...

Script for Data Collection

Team members follow a structured script during data collection (qualitative or quantitative) to give participants instructions about the study and ask interview or survey questions. Continue reading...

Slide Presentation Software

Showing text and images on slides when someone is talking can make it easier to follow along and understand what people are saying. Continue reading...

Sticker Voting

Stickers are used by individual team members to indicate a vote or endorsement of an idea or topic, and viewed publicly as a group. Linking one sticker with one vote helps team members physically link their vote to a choice, and provides a concrete reminder of the total number of votes they can place. Continue reading...

Structured Communication Processes

Establishing a set of processes or "rules" for how individuals share their ideas and opinions to ensure that all voices are heard, and only one person is sharing at a time. Continue reading...


Talking on the phone allows team members to repeat information, ask questions, or rephrase information in a different way to make sure team members understand. Continue reading...

Tip Sheet

A brief and clearly organized piece of paper or document that includes key concepts, behaviors/actions, or information that researchers must remember during data collection. Continue reading...

Video Conferencing

Video conferencing enables real-time, face to face interaction with multiple team members. Video conferencing also provides features that make it possible to use many strategies described in this toolkit. Continue reading...

Video Dissemination

The team shares research findings and implications in a video format instead of a written paper. Preparing video presentations of project findings gives team members with disabilities who may not be interested in writing an academic manuscript an opportunity to engage in the dissemination process. Continue reading...

Video- or Audio-based Data Analysis

Data is collected (using interviews, observations, or other methods) and video and audio recorded. The team then watches or listens to the recordings. Continue reading...

Visual Data Collection Methods

Gathering data using photographs or video recordings can be more accessible than collecting data using handwritten notes for team members with disabilities. Continue reading...

Visual Graphs and Charts of Data

Show data using visuals such as bar graphs, pie charts, line charts, scatterplots, word clouds, and other data visualization techniques. These types of visuals typically use color, height or other features to depict directions and outcomes. Continue reading...