Toolkit for Remote Inclusive Research

Online Survey

This strategy can be used for: Research Skills Training | Team Decision Making | Choosing a Topic for Research

Online surveys allow team members to privately contribute their perspectives, without concern of others’ opinions or social pressure. Contributions/responses from individual team members can be compiled and reported at the aggregate level to inform team decision making or evaluate the knowledge of the team.

Online surveys can be used before meetings to:

Online survey can be used after meetings to:

Security note: Organizations might limit the type of information research teams are allowed to gather using online surveys. Research teams should check with their organization before using any online survey platform.

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Tools to explore


Examples of studies using this strategy

Benevides, T. W., Shore, S. M., Palmer, K., Duncan, P., Plank, A., Andresen, M. L., Caplan, R., Cook, B., Gassner, D., Hector, B. L., Morgan, L., Nebeker, L., Purkis, Y., Rankowski, B., Wittig, K., & Coughlin, S. S. (2020). Listening to the autistic voice: Mental health priorities to guide research and practice in autism from a stakeholder-driven project. Autism : The International Journal of Research and Practice, 24(4), 822–833.

Kramer, J. M., Schwartz, A. E., Watkins, D., Peace, M., Luterman, S., Barnhart, B., Bouma-Sims, J., Riley, J., Shouse, J., Maharaj, R., Rosenberg, C. R., Harvey, K., Huereña, J., Schmid, K., & Alexander, J. S. (2019). Improving research and practice: Priorities for young adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities and mental health needs. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 12(3-4), 97-125.

Talebizadeh, Z., & Shah, A. (2018). building a bridge between genetics and outcomes research: Application in autism (The AutGO Study). The Patient, 11(4), 451–462.

Examples of studies using this accommodation

Bonham, G. S., Basehart, S., Schalock, R. L., Marchand, C. B., Kirchner, N., & Remenap, J. M. (2004). Consumer-based quality of life assessment: The Maryland ask me! Project. Mental Retardation, 42(5), 338–355.;2

Kramer, J., Barth, Y., Curtis, K., Livingston, K., O’Neil, M., Smith, Z., Vallier, S., & Wolfe, A. (2013). Involving youth with disabilities in the development and evaluation of a new advocacy training: Project TEAM. Disability and Rehabilitation, 35(7), 614–622.

Powers, L. E., Garner, T., Valnes, B., Squire, P., Turner, A., Couture, T., & Dertinger, R. (2007). Building a successful adult life: Findings from youth-directed research. Exceptionality, 15(1), 45–56.