This strategy can be used for: Communication
Talking on the phone allows team members to repeat information, ask questions, or rephrase information in a different way to make sure team members understand.
Phone calls can also be used to provide team members with support to prepare for a meeting. This includes going over the agenda or slides, or helping the team member think of their ideas about the topics that will be talked about at a meeting.
Phone calls can be used to follow up with team members after meetings to see if they have any follow up questions and make sure they understand the final decisions made at the meeting. Team members may think of new or additional ideas about the meeting topics that are important to record.
Access Accommodations and Support
- Schedule a time for regular calls so the team member is prepared to talk and does not have distractions.
- Text may be used instead of phone calls if team members prefer reading instead of talking.
- This review of Phone Accessibility Completed by Wireless RERC Mobile in 2019 may be helpful for research team leaders.
Examples of studies using this strategy
Bigby, C., & Frawley, P. (2010). Reflections on doing inclusive research in the "Making life good in the community" study. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 35(2), 53–61.
McDonald, K. E., & Stack, E. (2016). You say you want a revolution: An empirical study of community-based participatory research with people with developmental disabilities. Disability and Health Journal, 9(2), 201–207.
Pohl, A. L., Crockford, S. K., Blakemore, M., Allison, C., & Baron-Cohen, S. (2020). A comparative study of autistic and non-autistic women’s experience of motherhood. Molecular Autism, 11(1), 3.
Powers, L. E., Garner, T., Valnes, B., Squire, P., Turner, A., Couture, T., & Dertinger, R. (2007). Building a successful adult life: Findings from youth-directed research. Exceptionality, 15(1), 45–56.
Strang, J. F., Knauss, M., van der Miesen, A., McGuire, J. K., Kenworthy, L., Caplan, R., Freeman, A., Sadikova, E., Zaks, Z., Pervez, N., Balleur, A., Rowlands, D. W., Sibarium, E., Willing, L., McCool, M. A., Ehrbar, R. D., Wyss, S. E., Wimms, H., Tobing, J., … Anthony, L. G. (2020). A Clinical program for transgender and gender-diverse neurodiverse/autistic adolescents developed through community-based participatory design. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology : The Official Journal for the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53, 1–16.
White, E. L., & Morgan, M. F. (2012). Yes! I am a researcher. The research story of a young adult with Down syndrome. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 40(2), 101–108.
Examples of studies using this accommodation
Powers, L. E., Garner, T., Valnes, B., Squire, P., Turner, A., Couture, T., & Dertinger, R. (2007). Building a successful adult life: Findings from youth-directed research. Exceptionality, 15(1), 45–56.