At Tamarin Software, everything we do is informed by the sincere belief that software is magic. Seriously. Listen, you put stuff in the box, wave your wand, and different stuff comes out. If that’s not magic, what is? Magicians never reveal their secrets, but here are a few clues to how we approach our projects:
Making Cool Stuff
Who wants to keep doing the same old thing? At Tamarin Software, we let our curiosity lead the way, stretching boundaries and imagining new possibilities to create software that is more intuitive, more useful, and more beautiful. In short, it’s a joy to use.
Making You Better
No software party is complete without one key ingredient: you! Our software is built around the way you do things, or better still, the way you wish you could do things. We support strategic innovation by giving you the tools you need transform your business.
Making For All
Inclusion and accessibility are the heart of Tamarin Software. Everything we make is accessible and adapts to different ways of seeing and doing. In this way, our software supports diverse teams as they work to collect, interpret and apply data in meaningful ways.
Making a Difference
We look for ways to leverage our time, talents and resources to make people’s lives better. Tamarin Software donates 10% of quarterly profits to a cause selected by our team.