The YELL team at the Yes we CAN conference. L-R: Cyril Nonga- Mann, Dr. Jessica Kramer, Elijah Thomas, Fiorella Guerrero (PhD student)
“5 Questions With” is an ongoing series featuring kickass entrepreneurs, community leaders, and other superheroes.
We crossed paths with the YELL team on a PCORI-funded research project where we teamed up to create a new unit for the FYREworks training platform called “Research Partnerships During Public Health Emergencies.” We love them, and soon you will too.
Under the direction of Dr. Jessica Kramer, PhD, OTR/L, the YELL Lab develops and evaluates tools and interventions that empower youth and young adults with developmental disabilities. The YELL Lab partners with and employs youth and young adults with disabilities in development and evaluation to ensure our ideas meet the needs of people with disabilities.
Enter YELL team:
Question 1: What’s your superpower?
We are team members part of the Youth and young adult Empowerment, Leadership and Learning lab (YELL) in the Department of Occupational Therapy at the University of Florida.
Our super power is brainstorming and research. We provide ideas to develop accessible apps for young people with disabilities. Apps help people with their daily living activities and do things that are important to them, like working in the community, doing grocery shopping. Apps can also be used by people that don’t have disabilities.
Question 2: Why are you the exact right people to do what you do?
We are a team that includes people with disabilities and without disabilities. At first, we didn’t know what it would be like to do this job. People usually don’t include young adults with developmental disabilities on research teams. But we understand what makes things accessible, and how to do research during hard times like during COVID. We are strong, and our team trusts each other and works well together. We can read each others mind.
Question 3: Tell me a story about a time your work made a difference.
We presented together at the “Yes we CAN” Conference hosted at the University of Florida. We shared our experience doing research, making apps with other people. People can learn about our experiences, from what we do together. And people really liked our presentation, asked us a lot of questions and wanted to get involved!
Question 4: What’s your go-to move for recruiting research participants?
Sometimes, people don’t want to be a part of a research study. It’s their choice and their right. We tell people about research by giving information about each study in plain language. Our team goes out to events in the community (i.e., Stomp the Swamp, Special Olympics), and explains to other people with disabilities, their families, and professionals, how being a part of the research can help make things better for other people with disabilities.
Question 5: Tell me a story about a time you fell down and got back up again.
Research can be hard and take a lot of time. When we face a challenge, we brainstorm together. We meet as a group, or meet one on one in breakout rooms. Sometimes we go fast, sometimes we go slow, and that’s ok. We communicate when there is something we do not agree on. We are persistent and work hard to relate to each other.
Where to Find the YELL Lab
Website: yell.ot.phhp.ufl.edu